Skincare is the most sought subject in today’s generation. Everyone likes to look good, so skincare and maintenance is a very important ritual which one should follow religiously. Medi facial is one of the multi-task skin treatments, which offers rejuvenated and younger-looking skin.
Unlike facial, Medifacial is a step ahead with a medical touch to it. It includes cleansing, exfoliation, nourishing and hydrating skin which makes the skin look young and replenished.
Facials and Medifacial- in regular facials you get a glowing and better skin lasting usually for a few days. After that, the effect fades off. Medi facials come to rescue when the long-lasting effect is needed. So where the regular facials have the usage of chemical bleach for glow, Medi facial has usage of various antioxidants, vitamins, AHA’s as well as advanced techniques and equipments such as lasers, radiofrequency etc. which not only hydrates, exfoliates, moisturizes the skin but also gives the skin the vibrant and fresh long-lasting effect. Saying so, where regular facial acts on the superficial layer. Medi facial treats the skin on the deeper epidermal and dermal layer as well. It treats the skin as per the underlying condition. It is customized as per the skin type.
Hydrates, enhances suppleness, for radiant and healthy-looking skin.
Brightens skin, evens tone, for a radiant and luminous complexion.
Smooths skin, balances tone, for a flawless complexion appearance.
Refines texture, softens skin, for a smoother and touchable complexion.
Controls oil, balances sebum, for a matte and clear complexion.
Minimizes acne, prevents breakouts, for clearer, blemish-free skin.
Diminishes lines, smooths wrinkles, for youthful and firmer skin.
Clears acne, fades scars, for smoother, blemish-free skin complexion.
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